Sunday, September 28, 2008

My first post

Heard so much about blogging and now I have actually joined the band wagon, thanks to my son Pratik an ardent blogger.

There is so much that I would like talk about or write about. So many experiences, so many interesting anecdotes to share. When there is time there is nobody to listen and other times there are people but they don't always have time or interest to listen. The good thing with a blog is, I can write when I have the time and people can read when they have the time.

The good thing is that I don't really read blogs and hence will not be influenced by any blogger's style. Of course, since my son started his blog I have read his blog on several occasions. Of course one has read the controversies over the blogs written by various celebrities from Bollywood.

I have thought about blogging a lot and why a person should start a blog and who should start a blog. In this my first post I would like to share my thoughts on this. I believe every person needs to give vent to his or her own creativity to be a satisfied and happy person. Creativity according to me is creating something using your own skills. What you create need not be original. For example, a person who likes painting may use a painting or a photograph as a basis for his/her painting. The result is the painter's own version made out of his or her perception. One normally creates using one's own inherent abilities to express oneself. We can use our voice, our hands and our whole body to create. What we assimilate and imbibe through our five senses we can express by creating something.

  • A writer uses the written word
  • A painter creates visual images on various surfaces with different kinds of material
  • A film maker uses multimedia
  • A singer emotes and expresses through the use of voice and sound
  • An actor creates by bringing the written character to life
  • A person who cooks creates culinary delights to titilate the senses of the consumer
  • An artisan uses handicraft to express creativity and create various kinds of artifacts
  • A musician creates pleasing harmonious sound using different kinds of instruments
  • and so on and so forth

If one closely examines all the above listed creative pursuits one finds that there is a connection between creativity and the kind of person one is as per the NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) principles. I will expand on this observation in my next post.

Some of us make our living out of creating and some of us pass time with creating as a hobby. I am fortunate that I can give vent to my creativity both at work as well at home. Being the CTO of a Software Company we are always creating new software for our customers and that is extremely satisfying. At home, I have several hobbies like embroidery, lace making, knitting, painting and cooking that are all creative in nature. I am a person who thrives on expressing my creativity. I am always making something that is Work in progress. Instead of buying gifts for people I am close to I make things for them. To this list of creative pursuits that I have been doing since I was a child I have recently added about a year ago playing the piano and now today with this blog writing.

Writing these few words makes me feel very good. It is a welcome change from writing proposals and design documents.

Hello World!

Mom's first post!
: )
- Pratik